Pulling Garlic and The Headache Departs

The garlic I planted last fall died back, so I pulled it.   I got about 25 smallish heads and now they're curing in the shade.  The variety I planted was some un-named kind that I found at the hardware store, since we moved into this house too late for me to mail-order from a seed company.  It turned out to be a scape-less, which was unfortunate because I would have enjoyed eating some scapes.

In my gardens in Silver Spring, Maryland I had a variety that grew beautiful curling scapes and which had naturalized in several of the beds.  The bulbs those grew from, came from garlic my dad grew in Maine.  I now know that the curling scapes come from hardneck Rocombole variety garlics, so when I order garlic to plant in the fall I'll be sure to look for those.

I'm looking ahead now to the fall garden.  I have broccoli and cabbage seeds; I still need to get some other fall vegetable seeds for things like kale and spinach, and of course garlic and onions.  I wish I had more garden space; I'd definitely plant more garlic and onions than I'm able to plant now, so that we'd have enough for a year's worth of eating.

All day today, whenever I say "garlic" in my head, I say it as if it rhymes with the word "Derelicte" from Zoolander.  Thus, garlic sounds like "garelicte."

Here's the relevant Zoolander scene:

My headache is mostly gone today, though I can still feel it lurking, ready to make a come-back.  The fuzziness and irritability are completely gone. I feel euphoric from the lack of pain and restored mental clarity.  Migraines are a bitch. 


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