Celebrating 4-20

Yesterday, M and I brought O out to Virginia for the weekend.  It was an absolutely stunning afternoon.

In keeping with the spirit of the holiday, I wandered around with my camera looking at textures and colors.
 Locust Tree
 Locust Tree

I think the art world's pronouncement, via The Onion, that it had "captured all the beauty it was going to find in rusted-out cars, abandoned houses, and condemned industrial sites" was a mite premature. So many rusty and weathered objects, so little time. 

I also broke out my copy of the Peterson's Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants.  Really, it's a pretty crappy book and not of much help in identifying plants.  Not enough color plates to help with identification and not enough specific information about varieties of plants. For example, they only include two kinds of ferns, and none of the plants I saw while I taking photos appeared in the book.  Anybody know of a better field guide to edible plants in the middle Atlantic region?


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