Today was not another doldrum day. This morning, I planted peas in the garden. The package says 63 days until maturity. I'm doubtful that they'll make it; two months from now it will be pretty hot. I understand that June is the hottest month here, and it's prior to the monsoon season so things will be pretty dry. Not a good combination for poor little peas. But we shall see.
I also cleaned through the houseplants in the bathroom/sunroom. Most of those belong to the person who owns our house. The spider plants had sent out many shoots with baby spiders and I clipped a few and put them in some soil. My orchid cactus has also started to bloom. I want to read up on how to propagate them. It originally came from my Dad in Maine, it's ancient and pretty beat up. I'd like to start some new ones from it. I still want to work on getting rid of extra things. It's harder for me to get rid of rocks and interesting things I've found outside like bones than it is to get rid of ordinary household objects. But I have so many rocks that they cover all the flat surfaces. And I've got bowls and buckets and boxes of overflow. It breaks my heart to get rid of any of them. But, jimminy, so many rocks! They get covered with dust and make everything harder to keep clean. I think what I'll do is save them for now and then when I get property, I'll embed them when we build something.
Went for a walk down by the river with M. this afternoon. It was beautiful. All of the plants are sending out tiny leaves. We learned that S. doesn't understand that rivers flow. He went right down to the water's edge, and dropped his ball in the water while he got drink. Of course, the ball began to float away in the current. When he finished drinking, the ball wasn't where he left it. I had to rescue it with a stick. Silly blind dog.
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