Spring is Really Here

M. was thinking yesterday of all the spring-associated things that have happened over the last several weeks.  There have been many:  the garlic sprouted and is now about five inches tall.  Insects of various kinds have been out and about, including house flies, velvet ant wasps, ants, butterflies and moths, robber flies, and bees.  I've seen a few smaller spiders and M. caught a glimpse of a tarantula who lives in our front yard.  I saw a small lizard dart across the road and saw another in my peripheral vision in our driveway.  The fruit trees down closer to the river level are blooming; ours have buds that aren't quite open yet.  Some trees at that level also have tiny green leaves.  The junipers are covered with pollen.  We've seen a few rainbows, and we had a thunderstorm off in the distance.  

I didn't take any pictures this morning, but M. did.  Here are two showing the juniper pollinating:

The days are much longer, with respect to actual hours of daylight.  I used to have to take my afternoon/evening walk before dinner. Now, it stays bright long enough after dinner to walk then.

Crazy skies in the late afternoon yesterday. 

My son and his boyfriend are visiting during their spring break.  We took a hike down to the river the day before yesterday.  It was hot; the cat followed us the whole way and did some serious panting, and the dog trotted from one shade patch to another for maximum coolness.  I was tempted to jump into the river (I got wet up to mid-calf), but didn't want to hike back up to the house in wet clothes. 
The hike down to the Rio Grande

O and J, at river level

River level, cottonwoods and contrails

Beautiful rusted crap


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