"Before" Pictures and Learning about Solar

This morning, I planted some Blanket Flower seeds in one of the new beds I made yesterday.  I also made a row cover and put it over the yellow beans, which are just starting to germinate.  Bean sprouts seem to be a favorite of the birds.  They snip off the first set of baby leaves and then the plant dies. 

I also took some photos of the garden and new herb and flower beds so I'd have them to compare, once the garden has taken off and things are (hopefully) blooming and busting out all over the place. 

Green and yellow beans, eggplant, tomatillos, and onions

Tomatillos, tomatoes, and basil in the foreground; squashes and cucumbers in the back

Squashes and cucumbers

New beds with herb and flower seedlings: marigolds, sunflowers, purple coneflowers, thyme, rosemary

New beds with flower and herb seedlings
Now, with the smell of smoke and the strangely colored clouds from the distant wildfires, and the rumble of thunder, it's kind of hellish outside. 

I'm reading up on solar energy systems; I'd like to get a freezer to preserve some of the garden's bounty (counting my chickens before they've hatched, yes, I know).  I guess that's called planning.  But I'm not sure how well a freezer would work with our current solar/generator system.  Currently, we shut down over night and that wouldn't be optimal for a freezer.  I'm also not sure that we have enough power to support a freezer.  It may be best to set up a separate system with its own inverter just for the freezer.  This would also be the preliminary steps for creating a system that we could use when we (again, counting those chickens) move from renting here to our own place. So, I'm researching the power needs of freezers and learning about how to set up an solar get-up for it.  I know that I've learned the basics about voltage, amps, resistance, Ohm's law, etc.  multiple times before but it has yet to stick.  Maybe this time, because I 'll be learning this stuff for something I need to do and can see the practical applications, it will stick. 


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