A Few More Flowers from Cochiti

 Hartweg's Sundrops, a kind of Primrose.

What Hartweg's Sundrops look like once the flowers wither. 

 Some kind of Yucca

  Some kind of mustard I think.  

A new-to-me kind of tree. The buds on these had a fantastic smell that filled the campground. Whenever I got close to one of these trees, I felt like Dorothy in the Poppy Field in the Wizard of Oz.  It was an oddly soothing and sedating scent.

The Russian Olive Trees were also flowering and had a pleasant scent. Russian Olives were introduced to the Southwest and escaped cultivation.  In some areas, they are considered to be a noxious weed because they spread readily and out-compete native plants for resources.  Noxious or not, they provide much-appreciated shade in many otherwise wide-open areas.


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